Welcome to the Abbeyfield Philosophy and Ethics blog. This blog is designed to help support the learning of students studying A level and GCSE Philosophy and Ethics at Abbeyfield School. It is also designed to help promote questioning amongst our students and help them to ask that philosophical question Why? Any ideas or suggestions for the blog welcome via my school email: rhw@abbeyfield.wilts.sch.uk
Sunday, 28 February 2010
Author Terry Pratchett welcomes assited suicide guidelines
The 61-year-old, who suffers from Alzheimer's disease, believes people should have the right to choose when they die.
Read the full article by following the link below:
What changes have actually been made? Follow the changes and subsequent discusions in the next set of links:
And finally read philosopher Julian Baggini's comments:
Sunday, 21 February 2010
Do we need to say our prayers?

Friday, 19 February 2010
Sir Elton John's perspective on Jesus as a great man...
Check out the article at: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/8523538.stm
Monday, 15 February 2010
Psychological and Sociological Challenges to Religion
Key Facts About These Challenges
- These challenges are a posteriori arguments seeking to challenge religious belief.
- Argues from psychology (relating to human psyche) and sociology (relating to society).
- Critics of these challenges include most religious people.
- Advocates include Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, and Jean Charcot.
Freud's Findings
- Religion is an aid to overcome inner psychological conflict.
- Religion helps us to overcome the conflict between our desires and society.
- Religion is an illusion to overcome our fear of nature.
Religion helps us to overcome the conflict between what we want and what society says we're allowed to do - Religion gives us a reason to submit to society; it gives us the promise of a better life after as a reward for our good behaviour in this society. We find a father figure in religion and God, someone that rewards and punishes us like a child.
Religion is an illusion to help us accept that aspects of nature cannot be controlled - We are helpless to nature. Religion personifies God by making him the force that controls nature. By praying to God, we are aiming to gain some control over the elements. Again, religion and God become like a father figure by providing us protection from nature in the same way a father protects his child.
Challenges to Freud's beliefs
- Darwin put forward the theory of evolution, stating that we evolved from animals, but there is no evidence in nature of a father figure.
- Freud only tested his beliefs on a small amount of people.
This could be useful when considering ethics, such as Aquinas' natural moral law, and kants categorical imperative. Which course of action would they consider the 'right' one?
This could also be a useful example to use - at what point does suffering outweigh the importance of human life?
Wednesday, 10 February 2010
Should there be more religion on television?
The Church of England's general synod has voted to back a motion expressing "deep concern" at what it believes is a cut in religious TV programming. Are enough religious programmes broadcast?But the synod drew back from singling out the BBC, instead backing a motion aimed at all mainstream broadcasters, and called for more programming that "imaginatively marks major festivals". The BBC said it had increased its coverage in recent years, while Channel 4 said religious programmes were "at the heart of its schedule".Should broadcasters televise more religious programmes? Should religion have a larger platform in the media? Do you watch religious programmes? What form should religious broadcasts take?
Have your say by following the link below or commenting here.
Sunday, 7 February 2010
Assisted suicide - the debate continues
The Taliban

Use the above link to find out more about the Taliban and their religious and political goals. Useful background information for units on War and conflict at A level and a fundamentalist Islamic group for GCSE.
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
Morally right or totally misguided?
What does Natural moral say?
Can Kantian ethics be applied?
And what about Virtue ethics?
A Mercy Killing?