Friday, 23 April 2010

Pale Blue Dot

You need to watch this twice: once to listen to what he is saying and once to spot all the films he uses in the clips. A small prize for any of my a-level students who can spot more than 20!

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Religious Story Animations

Proof that I am not the only Religious Studies teacher to use play dough in my lessons!

Monday, 19 April 2010

The famous violinist or Whose body is it anyway?

Remember Judith Jarvis Thomson's violinist? Test out the consistency of your views on personhood and abortion by trying this quiz from Talking Philosophy.

Also of interest - Should you kill the fat man? which tests Utilitarian beliefs.

An immoral waste of time?

Consider this and relate the various ethical theories to the issue. What would a libertarian say? What does Natural Law say? How would a Utilitarian respond to this?

Please comment!

What does it take to be a man?

Food for thought after today's Y13 debate on sexual ethics and equality.

Will the proposed corporate governance laws improve a company's ethics?

Corporate governance rules and business ethics

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

The start of designer babies?

Embryos containing DNA from a man and two women have been created by scientists at Newcastle University.

This new avenue of exploration into IVF treatment has led to the creation of an embryo where one mother's genes are replaced with more desirable one from a donor mother, due to the original egg donor having a potentially harmful genetic condition. Have we stumbled into designer babies?

Saturday, 3 April 2010

5 Minutes with AC Grayling

Here's a link to a series of five minute interviews with an eclectic collection of people.
thos one is with the Philosopher AC Grayling and within the five minutes he talks about his views on free will and also give a 22 second summary on Emmanuel Kant.


There is also an interesting interview with Richard Dawkins on life and death.