Welcome to the Abbeyfield Philosophy and Ethics blog. This blog is designed to help support the learning of students studying A level and GCSE Philosophy and Ethics at Abbeyfield School. It is also designed to help promote questioning amongst our students and help them to ask that philosophical question Why? Any ideas or suggestions for the blog welcome via my school email: rhw@abbeyfield.wilts.sch.uk
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
Friday, 3 December 2010
Sunday, 21 November 2010
Pope condones condom use in exceptional cases
Sunday, 14 November 2010
Friday, 29 October 2010
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
Thursday, 7 October 2010
Miracles: Parting of the red sea disproved by science?

The BBC reported on a recent report from the US National Center for Atmospheric Research about how science and computer modelling may be able to explain the parting of the Red Sea, as described in Exodus.
Sunday, 3 October 2010
Sunday, 19 September 2010
Student work of the week
A blinding light made my eyes water and stream. I walked up slowly to the entrance of the cave but my legs were wobbly and sore after sitting down for so long. I rubbed my arms; they still hurt after breaking free from my chain. I clung onto the cave walls as I steadily got to the cave entrance. My eyes would not open from the brightness of the outside world I was discovering. I stood, and slowly, very slowly, began to open my eyes. I had seen more colour in that glimpse than I had in my entire life. Everything was so sharp and precise. My lungs filled up with so much air, I could hardly believe what I was seeing and feeling. Was this real?
Slowly, I placed my right foot on green material that covered the ground, it was warm and soft, I had been used to cold, hard cave floors. I then placed my other foot down and opened my eyes fully. I glanced upwards. Before my eyes, I saw a never ending blue reaching up as far as you could imagine.
Then, in the centre of this infinity of sky and air, I noticed something peculiar. I only saw it for a second but it was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. My eyes watered as I strained to keep looking at this orange fireball, the source of all this light and life.
Never in my life had I ever been so confused but tranquil at the same time, I had never felt so peaceful and harmonious yet I had no idea where I was. I only knew it was better than that dark, dull cave.
What if we could learn to live in this world and not accept life for what I knew it was before? This unseen world seemed like such an extraordinary and blissful place, why couldn't we learn to live out here?
I ran back to the cave, desperately trying to release the other prisoners from their chains. They fought bac, slapping and pulling my hand away. I was confused and couldn't understand why they wouldn't want to see some extraordinary paradise that had been waiting outside this cave all our lives. I had to show them. Dragging the prisoners by their arms, I started dragging them up the hill to the light, they screamed and kicked and refused to let me take them. They just wanted to accept life as they knew it. A tedious, dull life with no risks and no surprises, with the idea that the only living other life form was misty, unclear shapes projected onto the wall in front of them.
AS students work on Plato and the Forms
The Grand Design - Stephen Hawking & Leonard Mlodinow
"...philosophy is dead. Philosophy has not kept up with modern developments in science, particularly physics. Scientists have become the bearers of the torch of discovery in our quest for knowledge.... (it) leads us to a new picture of the universe and our place in it that is different from the traditional one."
Can science and Orthodox Christianity live harmoniously together in the mind?
There are thousands of arguments concerning science and religion but who is right and who's wrong? Well Orthodox Christians believe in the "One True God" who created the world and takes a keen interest in those who inhabit it. It is believed that God is pure spirit, the creator of the world, holy and good, all powerful and worthy of mankinds worship and love. Yet science suggests there is no God of any sort - our existence is purely a sequence of random occurences ending up with life, simple you may think but maybe not - where did the first cell come from? This is a gap that Christianity is happy to fill.
But does this make it true? If you are told something by enough people does that make it true? This is how organised religion works. In the Christian church you are taught to ignore things that don't fit with the churches view which leads to closed minded people. Science teaches us to look beyond what is in front of us and question everything.
So can Science and Christianity live harmoniously together in the mind? I don't believe it can purely because one teaches closed mindedness and the other encourages free thinking. Although there have always been exceptions where important scientists have been devout Christians and have been very influencial in the progress of Science, I generally feel these two disciplines can not exist harmoniously together.
Pope's visit to the UK
For GCSE RE courses the role and authority of the Pope is very relevant in the Rights and Responsibilities section of Religion and Society. Also his views on contraception and homosexuality are important when considering the Marriage and the Family unit of Religion and Life
For A level students it is interesting to follow discussions regarding his position on the use of contraception, his views on homosexuality and the propossed canonising of Newman
Tuesday, 31 August 2010
A Level Results
Monday, 23 August 2010
Channel 4 must watch on Wednesday!
Saturday, 14 August 2010
Teaching philosophy with Spider-Man By Katie Connolly
Spider-Man's alter-ego Peter Parker struggles with his superhero status (Image courtesy Marvel Entertainment)
For years, fans of the Batman comics have puzzled over a mystery at the heart of the series: why doesn't Batman just kill his arch-nemesis, the murderous Joker?
The two have engaged in a prolonged game of cat-and-mouse. The Joker commits a crime, Batman catches him, the Joker is locked up, and then invariably escapes.
Wouldn't all this be much simpler if Batman just killed the Joker? What's stopping him?
Enter philosopher Immanuel Kant and the deontological theory of ethics.
Is the new Superman meant to be Jesus?
At least, that's how the discussion progresses in a growing number of philosophy classes in the US.
Cultural and media studies have paved the way for universities to incorporate pop culture into their curriculum. These days it is not uncommon to find a television studies class alongside 17th-Century literature in the course listings of an English department.
Now, philosophy professors are finding superheroes and comic books to be exceptionally useful tools in helping students think about the complex moral and ethical debates that have occupied philosophers for centuries.
Moreover, superheroes are attracting students to a discipline often perceived as overrun by musty books, suede elbow patches and bow ties.
Socratic tradition
William Irwin, a philosophy professor at King's College in Pennsylvania, edits the Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series, which includes titles such as Batman and Philosophy, and X-Men and Philosophy.
He says there's nothing unusual about using popular references to illustrate complex theories.
Is Peter Parker morally obliged to be a superhero? (Image courtesy Marvel) "This is what philosophy has tried to do from the very beginning," he says. "Philosophy starts with Socrates in the streets of Athens taking his message to the people and speaking in their language - agricultural analogies and common mythology."
Through the centuries, though, philosophers retreated into academia, creating a convoluted vocabulary that can appear inaccessible to the average first-year university student - those "deontological" ethics for example.
Christopher Bartel, an assistant professor of philosophy at Appalachian State University, asks students to read the graphic novel Watchmen in order to explore questions about metaphysics and epistemology.
In one class, he uses the character of Dr Manhattan, who claims that everything - including people's psychology - is predetermined through all the causal laws of physics.
Mr Bartel uses this to teach theories of determinism and free will, and the moral responsibilities entailed in those world views.
Mr Bartel says his course - Philosophy, Literature, Film and Comics - is a "fantastic recruiting tool", and that more of its students go on to specialise in philosophy than students in any of his other courses.
"I usually have students read Plato, Aristotle and Hume in introduction to philosophy courses. They often find it interesting, but get scared away by just how hard it is to read the stuff," Mr Bartel told the BBC.
"Comic books can provide really good illustrations of these philosophical ideas without scaring them off."
He says there are always students who think the course will just be an easy A grade, but they soon realise that despite the fun nature of the material, the work is deeply serious.
Great power, great responsibility?
For Christopher Robichaud, who teaches ethics and political philosophy at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government and Tufts University, superhero-based thought experiments can help people grapple with ethical dilemmas in an unsentimental fashion.
Peter Parker's Uncle Ben told him that with great power comes great responsibility, an axiom that thematically recurs through the series (Image courtesy Marvel Entertainment)
Imagine for example, that you are Peter Parker (aka Spider-Man) and you have just discovered that you have superpowers. Do you have a moral obligation to use your new-found powers to help others?
In one published essay, Mr Robichaud uses that question to explore consequentialism, an approach to morality which, as the name suggests, judges the rightness or wrongness of an action based solely on its outcomes.
A consequentialist would be likely to argue that Peter Parker has a moral responsibility to be Spider-Man because that decision would bring about the greatest good.
But Peter Parker was also a talented scientist, so a non-consequentialist could argue that fulfilling his scientific vocation could be an equally valid choice for him. Perhaps being Spider-Man is above and beyond the call of duty - the answer is murky.
The conversation does not end with superheroes, of course. Mr Robichaud encourages students to take the framework they have learned and apply it to decisions in their own personal and professional lives.
But he says it is a neutral way to start talking about ethical issues that people often find provocative or confronting.
"Ethics is one of those hard things to teach because for a lot of people the answers are very personal," Mr Robichaud told the BBC. "If you make it about artificial examples at first, then it allows people to think a little bit more safely and clearly about ethical issues."
The incorporation of superheroes into a philosophy curriculum is not without critics.
"We are not saying that the canon of Superman comic books is equivalent to Homer and Dante and you can study them for their own sake... The goal is always to get people interested in philosophy by speaking first in terms that people are familiar with”
Professor William Irwin
Editor, Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series
When academics struggle to fill seats in their medieval poetry classes while their colleagues are turning students away from packed courses on the mythic rhetoric of the superheroes, sniping in common rooms is to be expected.
Professor Mark White of the City University of New York says he is sure his work on Batman and philosophy "arouses some chuckles in the corridors", but he is careful to point out that he is not teaching the philosophy of comic books, he is using comic books to teach philosophy.
Mr Irwin agrees, drawing a distinction between his work and that of cultural theorists.
"Cultural studies coming out of the UK took popular culture very seriously as an object of study," Mr Irwin told the BBC.
"We are not saying that the canon of Superman comic books is equivalent to Homer and Dante and you can study them for their own sake. We're not suggesting that comic books replace Plato and Descartes - not at all. The goal is always to get people interested in philosophy by speaking first in terms that people are familiar with."
Mr Robichaud has little patience for critics who say that this work cheapens the traditional study of philosophy.
"The sort of philosophy I do - analytical philosophy - uses thought experiments all the time," he says. "If the examples we are drawing from are fictional examples from popular culture, as long as that's in the service of good philosophy, who cares? Who cares if the example is from Middlemarch or Watchmen?"
Shaun Treat, who teaches at the University of North Texas, is not bothered by "highbrow" critics either. For him, the proof is in the pudding: the students lap it up.
After years of teaching traditional debates like Hobbes versus Locke, he says, "it's amazing how much more the students are interested and engaged when you them put in cape and tights and have them slug it out".
Saturday, 7 August 2010
NYC Mosque & Collective Responsibility
Should a mosque be built close to Ground Zero in New York? Is it a recipe for racial hatred or should equality mean a mosque can be built anywhere, even if it might cause upset? Follow the above link and comment below.
Thursday, 15 July 2010
Holocaust Eductation Trust - A Trip to Auschwitz
Tuesday, 13 July 2010
French MPs set to vote for ban on Islamic full veil
A French Muslim woman was recently fined 22 euros for driving while wearing a full-face veil. A French ban on the public wearing of the Islamic full veil is expected to have an easy passage in parliament's lower house when it votes shortly.
See full story here: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/10611398.stm
Monday, 12 July 2010
A2 Reading List
AS Philosophy Reading List
Summer and course reading for all would be philosophy students at Abbeyfield.
Friday, 9 July 2010
The death of a Holocaust survivor - Sonia Weitz
Into the other world..the other place
And trace the eclipse of humanity.
Where children burned while mankind stood by,
And the universe has yet to learn why
...Has yet to learn why.
- Sonia Weitz, from her poem, "For Yom Ha'Shoah"
It is impossible for us to understand how those who survived the Holocaust can really feel. Holocaust survivors relive their experiences so the world can try to understand and learn from events of the past. The poetry of Sonia Weitz has helped many to begin to understand the Holocaust. If you would like to find out more about this amazing woman, please follow the link below.
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
GCSE Edexcel Unit 8: Religion and Society
- Religion, Rights and Responsibilities: The role of authority when making moral decisions, human rights, the electoral process in the UK, Christian teaching on moral responsibility, genetic engineering and cloning.
- Religion, The Environment and Medical Issues: Global warming, stewardship, medical treatment for infertility, transplant surgery, the attitudes of Christians and Muslims to these issues.
- Religion, Peace and Conflict: The UN and world peace, how religious organisations promote world peace, why wars occur, Just War theory, bullying, conflict in families, forgiveness and reconciliation, the attitude of Christians and Muslims to these issues.
- Religion, Crime and Punishment: The need for law and justice, theories of punishment, capital punishment, laws on drugs and alcohol and the social problems caused by them, the attitude of Christians and Muslims to all these issues.
Tuesday, 6 July 2010
French parliament debates ban on burqa-style veils
French parliament debates ban on burqa-style veils http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2010-07-06-france-burqa_N.htm
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
Using religious language to fight global warming
Monday, 21 June 2010
Morality Play
Philosophy A2
Religious Language
• Use and purpose of religious language
• The via negative
• Verification and Falsification principles
• How meaningful is religious language
• The use of symbol, analogy and myth to express our understanding of God
• The Vienna Circle
Religious Experience
• Arguments from religious experience
• Main conclusions drawn by William James
• Forms of religious experience: visions, voices, “numinous” experience, conversion experience, corporate religious experience
• Revelation through sacred writing
• MIRACLE including:
o Different definitions including Hume
o Biblical concept of miracle
o Criticisms made by Hume and Wiles
The Nature of God
• God as eternal, omniscient, omnipotent, omni-benevolent and the philosophical problems these cause
• Boethius – Book 5 The Consolations of Philosophy
• Would a good God reward or punish
Life and Death: The Soul
• Distinctions between body and soul (Plato, Aristotle, Hick and Dawkins)
• Questions surrounding the nature of a disembodied existence
• Relationship between the afterlife and the problem of evil
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
Tenth worker at ipad factory commits suicide.
Friday, 21 May 2010
Fallacy-B-Gone Critical Thinking Spray - Effective on Politicians, Banke...
Found this on the TPM site - If philosophers made infomercials!
Thursday, 20 May 2010
'Artificial life' breakthrough announced by scientists
The researchers constructed a bacterium's "genetic software" and transplanted it into a host cell.
The resulting microbe then looked and behaved like the species "dictated" by the synthetic DNA.
See the story here...
Is this the ultimate in intelligent design? What are the ethical implications here?
Friday, 23 April 2010
Pale Blue Dot
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
Monday, 19 April 2010
The famous violinist or Whose body is it anyway?
Also of interest - Should you kill the fat man? which tests Utilitarian beliefs.
An immoral waste of time?
Please comment!
What does it take to be a man?
Will the proposed corporate governance laws improve a company's ethics?
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
The start of designer babies?
Saturday, 3 April 2010
5 Minutes with AC Grayling
thos one is with the Philosopher AC Grayling and within the five minutes he talks about his views on free will and also give a 22 second summary on Emmanuel Kant.
There is also an interesting interview with Richard Dawkins on life and death.
Monday, 29 March 2010
A few news stories to ponder over
'A third of britons would sleep with a stranger for £1 million'
Ends to a means or abusing your body for money?
'New codes allow pharmacists to refuse to dispence based on religious beliefs'
What are peoples views on these? Get commenting!
Saturday, 6 March 2010
Wednesday, 3 March 2010
Tuesday, 2 March 2010
A Level Philosophy And Ethics OCR
GCSE Philosophy And Ethics OCR
Sunday, 28 February 2010
Author Terry Pratchett welcomes assited suicide guidelines
The 61-year-old, who suffers from Alzheimer's disease, believes people should have the right to choose when they die.
Read the full article by following the link below:
What changes have actually been made? Follow the changes and subsequent discusions in the next set of links:
And finally read philosopher Julian Baggini's comments:
Sunday, 21 February 2010
Do we need to say our prayers?

Friday, 19 February 2010
Sir Elton John's perspective on Jesus as a great man...
Check out the article at: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/8523538.stm
Monday, 15 February 2010
Psychological and Sociological Challenges to Religion
Key Facts About These Challenges
- These challenges are a posteriori arguments seeking to challenge religious belief.
- Argues from psychology (relating to human psyche) and sociology (relating to society).
- Critics of these challenges include most religious people.
- Advocates include Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, and Jean Charcot.
Freud's Findings
- Religion is an aid to overcome inner psychological conflict.
- Religion helps us to overcome the conflict between our desires and society.
- Religion is an illusion to overcome our fear of nature.
Religion helps us to overcome the conflict between what we want and what society says we're allowed to do - Religion gives us a reason to submit to society; it gives us the promise of a better life after as a reward for our good behaviour in this society. We find a father figure in religion and God, someone that rewards and punishes us like a child.
Religion is an illusion to help us accept that aspects of nature cannot be controlled - We are helpless to nature. Religion personifies God by making him the force that controls nature. By praying to God, we are aiming to gain some control over the elements. Again, religion and God become like a father figure by providing us protection from nature in the same way a father protects his child.
Challenges to Freud's beliefs
- Darwin put forward the theory of evolution, stating that we evolved from animals, but there is no evidence in nature of a father figure.
- Freud only tested his beliefs on a small amount of people.
This could be useful when considering ethics, such as Aquinas' natural moral law, and kants categorical imperative. Which course of action would they consider the 'right' one?
This could also be a useful example to use - at what point does suffering outweigh the importance of human life?
Wednesday, 10 February 2010
Should there be more religion on television?
The Church of England's general synod has voted to back a motion expressing "deep concern" at what it believes is a cut in religious TV programming. Are enough religious programmes broadcast?But the synod drew back from singling out the BBC, instead backing a motion aimed at all mainstream broadcasters, and called for more programming that "imaginatively marks major festivals". The BBC said it had increased its coverage in recent years, while Channel 4 said religious programmes were "at the heart of its schedule".Should broadcasters televise more religious programmes? Should religion have a larger platform in the media? Do you watch religious programmes? What form should religious broadcasts take?
Have your say by following the link below or commenting here.
Sunday, 7 February 2010
Assisted suicide - the debate continues
The Taliban

Use the above link to find out more about the Taliban and their religious and political goals. Useful background information for units on War and conflict at A level and a fundamentalist Islamic group for GCSE.
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
Morally right or totally misguided?
What does Natural moral say?
Can Kantian ethics be applied?
And what about Virtue ethics?
A Mercy Killing?
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Average intelligence predicts athiesm rates.
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
Why does God allow natural disasters?
Thursday, 14 January 2010
An act of love or an act of murder?
"I asked myself what Tom would want. He wouldn't have wanted to live like this."
Frances Inglis