Wednesday, 7 July 2010

GCSE Edexcel Unit 8: Religion and Society

This is the course students will take in Y11 either to compliment the short course they have already taken or for our new Y10 students, as the second year of the GCSE. It is 4 units long and covers the following topics:
  • Religion, Rights and Responsibilities: The role of authority when making moral decisions, human rights, the electoral process in the UK, Christian teaching on moral responsibility, genetic engineering and cloning.
  • Religion, The Environment and Medical Issues: Global warming, stewardship, medical treatment for infertility, transplant surgery, the attitudes of Christians and Muslims to these issues.
  • Religion, Peace and Conflict: The UN and world peace, how religious organisations promote world peace, why wars occur, Just War theory, bullying, conflict in families, forgiveness and reconciliation, the attitude of Christians and Muslims to these issues.
  • Religion, Crime and Punishment: The need for law and justice, theories of punishment, capital punishment, laws on drugs and alcohol and the social problems caused by them, the attitude of Christians and Muslims to all these issues.
Students currently in Y10 at Abbeyfield, who are interested in taking this course should speak to Mrs Haig for a letter and further information and watch the you tube link below.