Thursday, 15 July 2010

Holocaust Eductation Trust - A Trip to Auschwitz

Two Abbeyfield Year 12 students recently had the opportunity to visit Auschwitz with the Holocaust Education Trust. The experience had a profound effect on both students and they have shared their experiences with students at school through assemblies and lessons. To see Simone's review of her experiences, please follow the link below.

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

French MPs set to vote for ban on Islamic full veil


A French Muslim woman was recently fined 22 euros for driving while wearing a full-face veil.  A French ban on the public wearing of the Islamic full veil is expected to have an easy passage in parliament's lower house when it votes shortly.

See full story here:

Monday, 12 July 2010

A2 Reading List

Summer and course reading for all A2 philosophy students. If Abbeyfield students wish to borrow a book for the summer please see Mrs Haig and sign it out in the red book.

AS Philosophy Reading List

Summer and course reading for all would be philosophy students at Abbeyfield.

Friday, 9 July 2010

The death of a Holocaust survivor - Sonia Weitz

Come take this giant leap with me
Into the other world..the other place

And trace the eclipse of humanity.

Where children burned while mankind stood by,

And the universe has yet to learn why

...Has yet to learn why.

- Sonia Weitz, from her poem, "For Yom Ha'Shoah"

It is impossible for us to understand how those who survived the Holocaust can really feel. Holocaust survivors relive their experiences so the world can try to understand and learn from events of the past. The poetry of Sonia Weitz has helped many to begin to understand the Holocaust. If you would like to find out more about this amazing woman, please follow the link below.

The Spirit of Independence: The Social Psychology of Freedom — The American, A Magazine of Ideas

The Spirit of Independence: The Social Psychology of Freedom — The American, A Magazine of Ideas

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

GCSE Edexcel Unit 8: Religion and Society

This is the course students will take in Y11 either to compliment the short course they have already taken or for our new Y10 students, as the second year of the GCSE. It is 4 units long and covers the following topics:
  • Religion, Rights and Responsibilities: The role of authority when making moral decisions, human rights, the electoral process in the UK, Christian teaching on moral responsibility, genetic engineering and cloning.
  • Religion, The Environment and Medical Issues: Global warming, stewardship, medical treatment for infertility, transplant surgery, the attitudes of Christians and Muslims to these issues.
  • Religion, Peace and Conflict: The UN and world peace, how religious organisations promote world peace, why wars occur, Just War theory, bullying, conflict in families, forgiveness and reconciliation, the attitude of Christians and Muslims to these issues.
  • Religion, Crime and Punishment: The need for law and justice, theories of punishment, capital punishment, laws on drugs and alcohol and the social problems caused by them, the attitude of Christians and Muslims to all these issues.
Students currently in Y10 at Abbeyfield, who are interested in taking this course should speak to Mrs Haig for a letter and further information and watch the you tube link below.

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

French parliament debates ban on burqa-style veils

The debate around religious attire in France continues today with discussion in the French parliament on burqa-style veils. Different countries have different understandings about the role of religion and society; at the same time, do you think there should be limits on religious attire in public?

French parliament debates ban on burqa-style veils