On the 13th October a two tear old girl was run down in China by a hit and run driver. These things happen you might say but what happens next is hard to believe. Over the next minutes, 18 people walked past the small child and did not help; another van ran over the child's legs and did not stop. What kind of society do we live in when people do not stop to help an injured baby?
The story has led many people in China to question their morality. There had been occasions lately where people had helped those in distress and then been held accountable for their actions. Is this why no one helped? Should China now introduce a Good Samaritan law making it a legal requirement to help those in need?
What ever the outcome of this event, it is too late for the little girl. She was taken to hospital in a coma and has now died of her injuries.
Read the full story using the links below to the BBC and consider your own views. What would you have done in the situation? What was the morally right thing to do?